Changes from Schleuder 3.2 to 3.3

This list describes changes that users or list-admins of Schleuder should be aware of. For a more technical changelog, please see the repository.

This document refers to Schleuder version 3.3. To read about older versions of Schleuder please see the older docs.

User-relevant changes in version 3.3 compared to version 3.2:

  • List-admins now receive replies to keyword-usage and notices regardless of the delivery-flag of their subscription.
  • Keywords are now only looked for in the beginning of the message, up to the first line detected as mail content. Later content will not be interpreted or touched.
  • X-UNSUBSCRIBE will refuse to unsubscribe the last admin of a list.
  • X-SET-FINGERPRINT will not anymore allow setting an empty fingerprint. To remove a fingerprint from a subscription one can use the new keyword X-UNSET-FINGERPRINT.
  • Missing arguments for several keywords are better handled and replied to with a helpful error-message.
  • In the response to X-ADD-KEY, differentiate between “newly imported” and “updated” keys.
  • In the response to X-ADD-KEY and X-DELETE-KEY, more information on each key than just the fingerprint is shown.
  • In the pseudoheaders, sig and enc are now configurable. They can be reordered in or removed from the list-option headers_to_meta.
  • Schleuder now handles “protected subjects” in a way that Thunderbird/Enigmail recognize.